About Us
Hunter Ecology is a Newcastle (Hunter Region) based ecological consultancy established in 2020. We work across the state of NSW where needed. We are a growing presence in the consulting industry and hope to build a long and lasting relationship with you.
Meet the Team

Bart Schiebaan
B.App.Sc., Adv. Dip. Business Mgt.
Cert II Conservation & Land Mgt.
BAAS18033 Accredited Assessor
Principal Ecologist, Co-Director
Bart has over 20 years’ experience in a range of settings, including private industry, local and state government, bringing together skills in project management, stakeholder partnering and problem identification. Key skills include planning and strategy development of environment and habitat programs, project management of major public asset and holdings, team management, ecological survey design and application, urban design, cultural heritage management and bushfire planning.
Lizzie Bowman
Bachelor of Science
Grad Cert. Env Mgt & Sustainabilty
BAAS18112 Accredited Assessor
Principal Ecologist, Co-Director
Lizzie is an ecologist with over 15 years of experience in the environmental management field; she has worked extensively in the government, non-profit and private consultancy sectors. Lizzie has a strong background in conservation management planning, ecological field surveys, biodiversity assessment, monitoring and reporting.
Lucinda Casey
Bachelor of Biodiversity & Conservation
Mid-level Ecologist
Lucinda is an ecologist with 2 years of experience working as a consultant and is currently working towards attaining her Biodiversity Assessment Accreditation. Lucinda has a background in restoration ecology, bush regeneration, ecological field surveys and report writing.