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Biodiversity Stewardship Sites NSW

Biodiversity Stewardship Sites ​

Hunter Ecology is accredited under the NSW Government's Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) to establish Biodiversity Stewardship Sites upon your property. Biodiversity Stewardship Sites can be financially lucrative to a property owner who wishes to establish their bushland areas for Biodiversity Credits. Here at Hunter Ecology we have made the establishment of such sites a core area of our business. 

Biodiversity Stewardship Sites are a part of Australia's conservation future by helping to secure the status of both threatened and non-threatened species and ecological communities. There is currently a great need for the establishment of more and more Biodiversity Stewardship Sites.

Hunter Ecology can provide the detail needed for application to Government Reverse Auctions or Tenders or Feasibility Assessments to establish your site's potential, we can then provide the full associated report (BSSAR) and undertake the relevant field work and subsequently develop the management plans and Total Fund Deposit (TFD) as required by the Biodiversity Stewardship Site Agreement to have you fully established. 


The TFD is the financial breakdown of yearly income required to manage the site, and includes project management costs - once the TFD dollar amount has been fulfilled through the sale of your credits, any subsequent credit sale becomes your profit - this can be a significant amount.  As a result of our good client relations we often help to find, secure and manage biodiversity offsets for our clients projects. We also provide brokering for the sale and purchase of biodiversity offset credits.

Our services to this regard include: 

  • Good long term relationship with clients developed (this makes the process easier for everyone)

  • Accredited Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM) assessors (under which Stewardship Sites are generated)

  • Feasibility Assessments (Constraints and Opportunities)

  • Ecological survey, monitoring and assessment (for both species and ecosystem credits)

  • GIS and Spatial Planning 

  • Total Fund Deposit development 

  • Site Management Plans (where required - species mgt/ecological burns mgt/fencing/tracks/vegetation mgt/feral animal mgt) 

  • Point of contact for all liaison with the BCT (Biodiversity Conservation Trust) and DPE (Dept. Planning & Environment) 

  • Vegetation mapping

  • Biodiversity offset credit brokerage

  • Biodiversity Certification Assessments (NSW)

Hunter Ecology NSW

Hunter Ecology incorporates ESG principles by supporting the following organisations: 

Australian Ethical

©2024 by Hunter Ecology.

Registrations and Licenses:

BAM Accreditation (NSW Govt.) 

NSW Ecological Consultants Association

Scientific License - SL102464

Animal Research Authority (ARA)

Animal Research Establishment (ARE)

BioNet Sensitive Species Data License

CASA Drone Registered ARN 1200203

Side by Side AHCMOM216

Education & Training Certified

Birds Australia / Invasive Species Council

First Aid / White Card Certified

4wd / Boating / SCUBA Certified 

Planning for Bushfire Prone Lands 


EnviroSure  PI Insurance - LPS021671363

EnviroSure - PL Insurance - LCS021671556

Workers Compensation Policy - 229163801

ABN 80 656 096 534 

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