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PCT Common Name:

Rock outcrops shrubland complex of the lower North Coast

Number of Credits:


Like for Like Offset Trading group Options:

Northern Montane Heaths - <50% cleared group

Associated Threatened Ecological Community:

IBRA Subregion:

Karuah Manning

Hollow Bearing Trees:

Variation Offset Trading Group Options:

Northern Montane Heaths - <50% cleared group

IBRA Region:

NSW North Coast

Hollow Bearing Trees:


Hunter Ecology NSW

Hunter Ecology incorporates ESG principles by supporting the following organisations: 

Australian Ethical

©2024 by Hunter Ecology.

Registrations and Licenses:

BAM Accreditation (NSW Govt.) 

NSW Ecological Consultants Association

Scientific License - SL102464

Animal Research Authority (ARA)

Animal Research Establishment (ARE)

BioNet Sensitive Species Data License

CASA Drone Registered ARN 1200203

Side by Side AHCMOM216

Education & Training Certified

Birds Australia / Invasive Species Council

First Aid / White Card Certified

4wd / Boating / SCUBA Certified 

Planning for Bushfire Prone Lands 



EnviroSure  PI Insurance - LPS021671363

EnviroSure - PL Insurance - LCS021671556

Workers Compensation Policy - 229163801

ABN 80 656 096 534 

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